Shytoshi Kusama, the enigmatic leader of the Shiba Inu ecosystem, has hinted at an imminent deal involving an AI project. During his recent interactions on X, Kusama dropped this clue in response to a post by NFA Labs, a project that is transforming DeFi with its autonomous data and AI network.
Shytoshi Kusama Aims To Finalize Deal
NFA Labs highlighted one of its products, which uses algorithms and real-time data analysis to generate consistent profits for users. In response, Kusama directly inquired about the status of a pending collaboration, asking, “Wen we closing that deal bruh.” NFA Labs swiftly replied, confirming their readiness to finalize the agreement.
The exchange between Kusama and NFA Labs has sparked enthusiasm within the SHIB Army and NFAI communities. Moe Linde, a community member, praised NFA Labs for its strong partnership-building capabilities, attributing this to its founder’s deep roots in the SHIB Army.
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Another member expressed excitement, noting the rarity of receiving support from a prominent figure like Kusama. They emphasized that NFA Labs is a unique project and cautioned others against underestimating its potential, especially given its pending deal with Shiba Inu.
NFA Labs And Shiba Inu’s Strong Ties
NFA Labs’ connection to Shiba Inu is evident, particularly through the Shibarium blockchain ecosystem. Even before Shibarium’s official launch last year, NFA Labs had announced plans to develop the lending protocol Canis on the Shiba Inu blockchain. This protocol aims to enhance Shibarium by allowing users to leverage their holdings to invest in Layer 2 projects.
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Additionally, it offers NFAI token holders price-agnostic yield and works to reduce SHIB’s circulating supply to drive price growth. Competing with other lending protocols, Canis generates revenue and provides safe liquidity on Shibarium L2.
Earlier this year, an article reported that Shibarium’s total value locked (TVL) had reached $1 million. However, NFA Labs claimed that their staking and lending platform had accumulated $5 million in TVL within just 24 hours of its launch, which was not reflected in the reported figure. According to NFA Labs, the true TVL of the Shibarium ecosystem is $6 million, not $1 million. NFA Labs aims to highlight their project’s significant role in accelerating the growth of the Shibarium ecosystem.